Is your electric bill on the rise? You can try and cut down on the amount of energy you use but it might not be enough to lower your bill. The problem might just be the electrical wiring in your home. The wiring may not be able to handle and perform the electrical service needed by today’s standards. It will not only cost you more to have outdated wiring, it can be dangerous too.
Old House Wiring Identification
The wiring in your home might be outdated if your home is 10-20 years old. Outdated wiring means that it’s not designed to take on several appliances running at the same time and can lead to overloading. If the wiring in your home can’t handle the workload, you may have circuits that trip, or worse, overheated wires can start a fire. Older wires are protected with a rubber coating that can deteriorate and expose the wires, creating a fire hazard. If you live in an older home and you’re planning to sell, you will not pass an inspection.
Electrical Inspection
It’s always better to be safe than sorry. You should have your home inspected by an electrician every year or two. If you discover you need to have your home rewired, don’t stress. You may only need to update the electrical panel rather than rewire the entire home. The age of your home will determine exactly what needs to be done. If an electrical inspection determines that your home only has 100 amps but there are lots of people living in it or lots of appliances being used, you may need 200 amps. The simplest step will be to upgrade the electrical panel.
Electrical Panel Upgrade
An electrical panel upgrade can be helpful with electrical issues, but rewiring may be the only option. Rewiring is the only option for a home that is over 40 years old. A professional electrical will remove as much of the old wiring as possible and install new non-metallic wiring that is safer, easier to work with, and won’t heat up. This process might involve wall removal that will be followed up with patching and sealing everything behind new drywall. Best case scenario is only sections of walls being removed to get to the wiring or the use of rods and a thin metal line to fish wires through the wall.
Signs Your House Needs Rewiring
Outdated wiring can be dangerous. It’s important for homeowners to watch for signs that they need an electrician to come inspect their home. There are some clear indications that you might need electrical rewiring.
• Flickering lights
• Circuits that trip frequently or blown fuses
• Discolored or charred outlets
• Burnt smell with sizzling sounds
• Visibly damaged wires
Electrical Wiring Services in Greenwich, New Canaan, Darien, Norwalk, Westport, Southbury, Stamford, CT & Fairfield County, Connecticut
Electrical wiring is first and foremost a safety issue. Unless you’re a trained electrician, it’s never a good idea to try rewiring your home yourself. Contact Sentry Electric to have a licensed electrician fix the wiring in your home.