Although, it may be tempting to take care of your electrical needs on your own, that can lead to dangerous results. Electricity can carry with it many dangers; the likes of which, Sentry Electric has the experience and resources to handle them. We have a team of fully licensed and insured electricians with the training required to complete any electrical repair or installation safely and correctly.
Home Electrical Wiring Problem Troubleshooting, Diagnosis & Repair
It is often difficult to find the source of an electrical problem on your own. With the help of our professional electricians, we can diagnose any problems and repair them so you have power and your lights are back on in no time!
Electrical Fixture Installations & Upgrades
If you live in an older home, it may be time to upgrade some of your home’s electrical systems. Upgrading your electrical system provides your home with the most efficient fixtures that offer safety as well. Outdated electrical panels and fixtures pose a fire hazard. Whether you are considering updating your electrical panel, outdoor lighting, installing more outlets or simply replacing the light fixtures in your home, the electricians at Sentry Electric have it covered.
Electrical System Maintenance
Just like with most things, the better they are maintained, the less chance there is a problem occurs. When you have the experts at Sentry Electric perform consistent maintenance of your electrical system, you will avoid costly repairs.
Residential Electrical Wiring & Lighting Consultations in Greenwich, New Canaan, Darien, Norwalk, Westport, Southbury, Stamford, CT & Fairfield County, Connecticut
Because of the risk of electrical shock, it is best to not try to repair any electrical issues on your own. Leave it to the professionals at Sentry Electric to handle any repairs or maintenance on your electrical system. Call us today for all your electrical wiring needs!